The American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Authoritative. Collaborative. Trusted.

Candidate Ballot

Pursuant to the Guidelines for Membership, click here to view the criteria candidates shall be evaluated on.

Please submit a ballot for every candidate from your state. If you don't know the candidate, or only know the candidate by name, please so indicate and move to the next candidate. For candidates from other states, submit a ballot only for those candidates whom you know personally or by reputation. If you nominated or seconded a candidate, please answer each applicable question fully and do not answer a question by saying, only see my nomination or seconding letter.

Required field(s) are indicated by an *.

If you have answered either A or B above, please proceed to answer the following questions. Otherwise, please select the next candidate.

* After carefully reviewing the qualifications for ACREL Membership set forth above the candidate's nomination materials, and based on what I know about the candidate, I judge the candidate's degree of qualification on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most qualified) to be

Is the candidate a distinguished practitioner of real estate law exhibiting the highest standards of professionalism?

Is the candidate well known for any subspecialty of real estate law?

Is the candidate's practice primarily a local practice, primarily a national practice, or a combination?

If the Board of Governors should elect the candidate as a new member, would you:

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